Legendary Journeys

Odin with his Valkyries

The Valkyries are women warriors who serve Odin, the principal of all Asgardian gods. It is they who decide which of those who die in the battle are worthy of being taken to Valhalla. These fallen heroes then begin training to fight during Ragnarok.

The Valkyries in the Xenaverse, however, are portrayed as acting more as messengers between the Midgard and Valhalla, serving Odin faithfully. Most of them have immortal blood running through their veins and have special powers. Women who are brave warriors become Valkyrie and are able to ride the sacred horses from the sky of the Valkyrie. Odin teaches his special runes or magic of favorite Valkyrie.

Valquirias notables[]

Background Information[]

  • In Norse myth, the Valkyrie were the daughters of Odin and Erda, the earth-goddess. They were Choosers of the Slain responsible for escorting the honored dead to Valhalla.

